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Josh's biggest fight yet

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Saturday, December 16th, Josh was leaving the Leilani Heights neighborhood in Jensen Beach on his motorcycle when a small animal ran out in front of him. As he swerved he slid and collided with the wooden guardrail.

He is currently in critical condition in ICU. His left lung is practically mush and not functional, after 3 days of fighting to take in every breath his doctors decided to sedate him and put him on a ventilator to allow his body to rest. He has 8 broken ribs, a broken clavicle and scapula which he will need to have surgery on to have metal plates placed when he is medically stable. It's likely he has lost the function of his left arm.

Josh and Whit have a large deductible that is due to restart in January so they will be hit with not one but two very large deductibles. Josh has a very long journey ahead of him and many have asked what they can do to help. Please consider helping them by alleviating some of this financial burden through this difficult time.



  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tara Wustner
Jensen Beach, FL
Josh Whitney Dawkins Rupard

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