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Jen Byles Cancer Funding

Donazione protetta
In late June, our golden girl Jen Byles was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Being young, fit and healthy with no family history, this was a diagnosis we never saw coming.

Unfortunately, over the last four weeks of invasive and vigorous testing Jen hasn't received the results we were all hoping for. Results from tests on Jen's lung lymph nodes and bones have come back positive to the cancer, meaning the cancer has spread from it’s origin making this also known as stage 4, meaning there is no cure.

The cancer is hormone-positive, 'HER-2 negative', which essentially means the cancer cells feed off the female hormone oestrogen. She has been immediately placed on hormone therapy which she will need to continue for the rest of her life. This hormone therapy will put her into early menopause so her body stops producing oestrogen and IVF is no longer an option.

In conjunction with the hormone therapy, Jen will also be placed on Targeted Treatment, a drug taken as oral medication that will attempt to kill off the cancer cells and inhibit new cells forming. Still a cytotoxin like chemotherapy, however, less invasive, so will allow Jen to have a better quality of life. Surgery and Radiotherapy are not options at this point in time, and chemotherapy will be something they utilise down the track as doctors don't want to exhaust all options immediately.

Jen has started her first line treatment, and in the interim she won't look sick, she will continue to live an exciting, full and wonderful life while she battles with the side effects of targeted therapy & hormone therapy.

The greatest challenge in this is understanding that while Jen may not look, feel or act unwell over the coming months, this cancer is life-changing and this will be a long and agonizing journey.

For the short term, if you speak to or see our girl please fill her day with light, not sorrow and sadness. From the first day of this diagnosis she has wanted to continue living her life to it's fullest, training, laughing, seeing the world, eating good food, living in the ocean and drinking spicy margs.

Jen is facing an unknown journey ahead. While current treatment will allow her some sense of normality, this will change down the track.

While she may not need the financial support right now, there is no cure, she will need long term and ongoing care and treatment. There will come the time she will need every life expense covered for an extended period of time.

This is where we turn to the incredible community. Our goal is to make sure Jen can get through this incredibly challenging process without the additional stress of worrying about finances.

Jen has become a pillar and light in every community she touches, approaching everything in life with strength, love and humility; let's do the same in making sure she is taken care of through this time.

We ask you to contribute if you can; no amount is too small or too large. Finally, we ask you to spread the word and get this page out into your communities; the power of human connection is life saving.

This will be a long journey, so we will be moving our goals as Jens needs change. Our first fundraising event will be held at The Cube Gym in Brookvale on Saturday, 13th August 2022.

Check out @thecubegym instagram for more info.


  • Elliot Barnes
    • $10
    • 1 yr
  • Jane Pfeffer
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Bree Filippone
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Anastasia Georgentis
    • $40
    • 2 yrs
  • Phil Thomas
    • $200
    • 2 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Freya Patenall
Balgowlah, NSW
Jennifer Byles

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