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Janelle Pasquale Garrisons expenses

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Last week our sweet Janelle was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia. She was immediately admitted to the hospital and will begin a grueling regiment of inpatient chemotherapy, followed by 2 1/2 more years of outpatient chemotherapy. Her Leukemia is treatable but it will be an extremely difficult road physically, mentally and financially.

We all know that Janelle is a fighter and will beat this but the next 4-6 months (and beyond) are going to be especially grueling as she will be unable to work while she kicks cancers ass. Her husband Eric will also be unable to work while he is at her side caring for her and getting her through this.

Janelle is an incredible mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. She is selfless, kind and compassionate and wouldn't hesitate to give her last dollar to anyone that needed it.

Janelle is a Helix High School alummi and she is also everyone's favorite English teacher at Santana High School where she has taught for the last 10 years.

Every penny can help Janelle and her family get through this. The last thing that they need to worry about is how to pay their bills. Everyone's sole focus needs to be on getting Janelle healthy!

No donation is too small (you won't miss one day of Starbucks!). If you can't donate, even sharing this page helps out!

Your prayers, well wishes and healing thoughts are much appreciated by Janelle and her family.



  • Jonathan Beck
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Dani Wright
La Mesa, CA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt