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Randys fight with Esophageal Cancer

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I am Donnie and wanted to start this page for my brother Randy Golden  age 42 of Newhope, Arkansas. Randy was working as a logger as he has done since he was 16 years old until May of this year when he was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. He worked right up until the day before he entered the hospital on May 14th. And didn't come home for 3 months after 28 radiation treatments and Chemo. He then had to have Major surgery on Sept 22nd to remove his esophagus and create another. One lymph node was positive and their were residual cancer cells near his esophagus. They started a chemo plan 4 weeks post-op and they found a few spots on his lung.The Drs aren't sure if it is cancer or not but he will recieve chemo for lung cancer to see if the places shrinks or goes away as well as chemo for the other starting next week. It is too dangerous to go in and do a biopsy this soon after surgery. The Drs are going to watch his lungs until after the first of the year to get a biopsy if the tumors don't shrink. They are going to have to go  to Little Rock ( 240 miles round trip) every 3 weeks for 3 days unless there are complications to  recieve his chemo. They have a social worker who pays the hotel bills but they need help with gas,food, etc... Plus  money to keep the household up and running. His insurance company made a mistake  and cancelled his insurance and now they say it will be 4-6 weeks before it will be effective again once the paperwork is completed. They appreciate all of the donations,thoughts and the prayers so far but are going to need more help with his meds.(500 to 1,000) a month  until his insurance is reinstated or his disability gets started. His community gave him a benefit but it didn't take long to run out when that's all you have. Randy has never been the one to ask for any kind of help. Any donation no matter how small will be a blessing. He worries about fiances and gets depressed because he thinks he needs to be able to get out and support his family and he can't do it because of the chemo etc. I just want to some way help to take the worry away so he can concentrate on getting well so he can enjoy his twin grandsons he was blessed with 2 days before his surgery. I know that times are hard with Christmas coming up soon and if you can't donate any now please share this with your friends and family. Every single dollar will go to help Randy's care.Thanks in advance and may  God bless you all.



  • Keely Gray
    • $25
    • 9 yrs


Donnie Golden
Grandfield, AR

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