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For the first time in over a decade, is asking for your help.

From its beginning in 2007, has operated as an independent, non-commercial platform dedicated to bringing you free information on alternative health direct from the experts.

This is not a money-making venture. does not sell products. We do not endorse any product or service. Rather, our goal is simply to seek out the experts and put them on camera to share their insights and experience so you can make better, more informed decisions for your health.

If you value this service, if you’ve found our videos to be helpful to you, if you share our belief that information is the key to successful wellness management, please consider donating to

If every viewer donates, even a small amount, one time, we can continue producing videos for one year!

Remember, does not sell any product or service. Our revenue comes only from YouTube advertising, carefully selected affiliate partners, and viewers like you.

Without your support, the future of is in jeopardy. Please help us keep this service going and protect public access to information from trailblazers like Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Charlotte Gerson, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Dr. Antonio Jimenez and many more!

 Is your health worth it?


  • Anonymous
    • $5
    • 7 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Scott Peters
Fargo, ND
Natural Products Consulting

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