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Fadel Huggi's Road to Recovery

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Assalamu Alaikum, Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends.

 Fadel was in a motorcycle accident that has left him in critical condition at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God) they were able to stabilize him. He is still on life support. He sustained injuries all over his body including broken femur, pelvis, cheek, jaw, deep lacerations on his head, arm and abrasions all over his body. The main concern is that he had some bleeding in his brain which they have to monitor closely. Alhamdulillah they were able to operate on his femur and pelvis and it went well. We are hopeful that within time he will regain his health in shaa Allah (God willing). 

We are raising money to cover expenses not covered by Fadel's healthcare or insurance. The money raised here will be used for basic living expenses and any other unforeseen  medical expenses. It is clear that he won't be able to work and provide for himself for a while as he will be concentrating on his recovery. We are not certain of the total costs and are being advised that it will be more than our goal.   We will be meeting with a social worker in the next week to see what kind of Healthcare coverage he qualifies for as an American citizen living in Canada.  

As you know, Fadel is a loving and caring son, brother, uncle and friend. He has a big heart filled with love and care to all the people around him. In addition to that, he is very passionate about his religion, volunteer work and helping the people in his community . His volunteering includes refugee and local homeless projects. 

Fadel is the youngest son and sibling of his family. Please help us provide comfort for him as we all pray for his speedy recovery.  Currently his mother, sister and one of his brothers are at his bedside. His other brothers are traveling to him from the United States. 

If you are unable to provide yourself please pass on this message and your Du'a (prayers) is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for your du'as it really does help. We will continue to update you on his health along the way.


  • Maslah A
    • $10
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Huggi Family (3)

Subhiyah Huggi
Edmonton, AB
Adam Huggi
Team member
Shelly Hammad
Team member

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