Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Our New Temple

Spende geschützt
Bubastis Oasis has moved!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Our new location is 2530 Electronic Lane, Suite 702, just around the corner from our previous space.

We have doubled our temple size to 1800 square feet!

We have great benefits such as dedicated classroom and office space, ample storage, a larger sanctuary and a real kitchen area with a sink and room for a refrigerator and stove. The larger space allows us to expand and grow over the coming years, host larger events and gives the flexibility to offer more to our community, such as classes and meeting space.

Temple building is a somewhat daunting task, and we could REALLY use your help! There is amazing potential in our new space, and we need your help to realize it. Building materials and moving expenses will be sizeable, and your financial support would be greatly appreciated. Many of you have visited and spent time in our previous temples, and realize the work and cost that goes into providing a top-notch space suitable for Masses, Rituals and public events. Help us to continue to offer a spectacular place to visit by donating today!

Please consider joining one of our supporter levels today and help us build our temple!

Pledge of $5, $10, $20, $25
• Name on website if desired and recognition at Grand opening of Temple

Pledge $50 or More
• Name on website if desired and recognition at Grand opening of Temple
• T-shirt
• Name on commemorative plaque in the Lobby of Bubastis Oasis

Pledge $100 or More - Guardian of Bast
• Name on website if desired and recognition at Grand opening of Temple
• T-shirt
• Guardian of Bast temple supporter pin - Design
• Name on commemorative plaque in the Lobby of Bubastis Oasis

Pledge $150 or More - Pillar of the Temple
• Name on website if desired and recognition at Grand opening of Temple
• T-shirt
• Name on commemorative plaque in the Lobby of Bubastis Oasis
• Seat at Pillars of the Temple dinner. Date and time to be determined and travel is not included.

For more information go to:  http://www.bubastis-oto.org/ 

Thank you in advance for your support.

Love is the law, love under will

Sr. Magdalaina
Bubastis Oasis


  • Jose Esparza
    • $5
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $3,000 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Bubastis Oto
Dallas, TX

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt