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Addiction Recovery Workbook

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Help us finish our Recovery workbooks:
                Since 2007, we have been working to help those who are impacted by Addiction.  Our pilot programs, a workbook to help family members who have a loved one in addiction and a second workbook to help men and women in pornography and sexual addiction, have already blessed the lives of thousands of people.

                Now we need your help to finish the workbooks and make them generally available to anyone seeking recovery. 

Meet Sarah and Kyle
Read their stories.  Then join with us in helping many more like them.

 Sarah shares her story:
                  “Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am an addict. I am a woman with a sexual addiction. I once believed that there was no hope for me. No matter how hard I tried to fight my addiction, nothing really ever changed. Nothing changed, that is, until I found The Healing Through Christ Foundation. The Healing Through Christ workbook and group meetings changed my life. Before going to my first meeting and reading that first wonderful step, I was completely hopeless. I was lost in the darkness, filled with so much shame, confusion, and self-hatred. I didn't understand a lot of what I felt or why. I thought I was the only one and that I would never find my way out of the deep, black hole I was in.

                  “But then I read my first sweet words from the workbook, and little by little, light started to trickle into my life. The words spoke of hope, love, understanding, support, togetherness...They also spoke of hard things--hard truths--things that I needed to face in order to heal and change. The words helped to dispel the shame, clear the confusion, and light my way to a path of self-love that I never even dreamed to be possible. The words pointed me back to my Savior, Jesus Christ, who was always waiting patiently with open arms for me to turn to Him. Without the workbook and the group meetings, I would still be wandering, unable to find my Savior, clinging to hours or minutes of sobriety instead of years. I am so eternally grateful for this program. I can't adequately express my love and gratitude because it fills such a huge part of my heart. My hope is that everyone who struggles with addiction may be able to find the peace that I have found through this incredible work.”

Kyle shares his story:
             “Hello.  My name is Kyle.  Once a hopeless and defeated addict, I am now a sober and grateful recovering addict.  Some may wonder that if I’m sober- or free from the disease – why I might still identify as an addict.  And even more curious, how could I possibly feel grateful for this horrible disease?  In my case, sexual addiction entered my life when I was a teenager.  Despite repeated attempts at confession and reform, my efforts all eventually failed.  All of the strategies that I learned in church - memorizing scriptures and hymns, prayer, scripture study and fasting, confession and commitment – failed to give me long-term sobriety.  These actions served a wonderful purpose in that they brought me closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus and helped strengthen my testimony.  Nevertheless, using only these tools, my disease kept progressing and I felt like I was fighting a losing battle.  Despair settled in.

               “When I was introduced to the pilot “Healing Through Christ” meetings, things finally began to change.  Through these Christ-centered, Twelve-step focused materials, I learned that I had a literal disease that affected me on a spiritual, mental, emotional and biological level.  I learned that all of the tactics that I had previously used were necessary, were beneficial, but – of themselves, were insufficient.  Just like a person with cancer, diabetes or any other diseases, I needed both the spiritual strength of my spiritual practice, and I needed to take the specific actions necessary to address the disease that plagued me – the disease of addiction.

                “The Healing Through Christ meeting materials helped me to understand what I was dealing with – and in understanding, I could be just a little more kind, a little more compassionate towards myself and others like me.  They taught me strategies to fight the disease, and how to pay attention to what worked best.  They offered me a community of people with whom I could bond and in so doing, join together in this otherwise overwhelming journey.  In short, I was able to learn how to develop a strong, successful recovery program.

                “Today I live a clean and sober life, and, when given the opportunity, I try to help others who share my challenges.  My relationship, hope and faith in the atonement is richer than it could ever have been without this journey.  As Jesus taught, he who is forgiven much, loves much.  Though I have attended many different twelve step groups, I have never found one that is more comprehensive, more informative, more helpful, and more Christ centered than this wonderful program.  I owe my happiness, my joy and my peace of mind to the people and the materials of Healing Through Christ.  I can only hope to pay forward the beauty that it has brought into my life. 

                “My name is Kyle, and I am a gratefully, recovering addict.”
Who we are:
                The Healing Through Christ Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit foundation dedicated to helping those whose lives have been impacted by addiction. We use a Christ-centered approach to addiction recovery, based on the 12 Step program of AA.   Our website is

Our First Workbook:
                We began researching, writing and developing a workbook in 2007 for family members of those whose lives were thrown into turmoil due to the addiction of their loved ones. Completed in 2012, the Healing Through Christ Family Support Workbook is now being used by nearly 20,000 people worldwide. Hundreds of those using the workbook have shared the healing impact Healing Through Christ has had on their lives, many of which can be found on our website:

Grant to develop a Recovery Workbook for people in sexual addiction:
                In 2013, Healing Through Christ Foundation received a grant to develop a workbook to help men, women and teens striving to break free from pornography and other forms of sexual addiction. Now, after 2 ½ years of intensive research, writing and editing, we are about 70% finished with our Recovery Workbook.

                This is a very unique workbook. There is nothing else like it anywhere. We have combined, in one workbook, the very best information, tools and practices from medical and scientific communities, therapists who specialize in this addiction, likeminded 12 step recovery programs, people in long term recovery, and various religious leaders. Our partially completed workbook is currently being used (field tested) in many 12 Step pilot support groups, in 4 States.

Is the Healing Through Christ workbook really helping those in pornography and sexual addiction:
                Even though our workbook is only partially completed, those who have been using these materials in their support group meetings are telling us that it is amazing.  Several Rehab Centers have been using our Family Workbook with great success and are anxious to start using the Pornography and Sexual Addictin Workbook as soon as it is available.  

               Many of those participating in our pilot programs spent years working to achieve recovery. They had previously attended many different types of 12 Step support groups, sought individual therapy from an experienced counselor, and have spent a lot of their time in studying recovery related literature.  Here is what they had to say about our workbook:

                “Everything that I learned from various programs and therapists, over many years, is all right here in your workbook.” 

                “You have managed to combine everything into one place. What you have done is totally unique, truly the best, of the best of the best.”

                 Our unique approach is working.  Although our workbook is only partially completed, it is already helping people to break free from the chains of addiction -- not only finding recovery, but finding their Savior.

Our immediate need:
                We have exhausted our initial Grant and need to raise funds to finish the research, writing, editing, and publishing of this workbook, as well as the revision, editing and publishing of a 2nd Edition on our Family Workbook

                 Pornography and Sexual Addiction is a world-wide plague that continues to grow, destroying individuals, marriages and families, and we need your help now, so that we can do our part to help those who are trapped in it.

                Your donation is tax-deductible; but more importantly, you will also benefit from knowing that your donation will assist countless people like Sarah and Kyle whose stories you read at the beginning.  You will be helping many people to break free from the chains of sexual addition, as well as helping their family members to heal.

We need your help now:
                 Your help at this time is greatly appreciated and will make a significant difference in the lives of many of those who are impacted by Addiction.   Please consider making a gift at this time.


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    • $25
    • 8 yrs


Healing Through Christ Foundation
Orem, UT
Healing Through Christ Foundation Inc

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