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Help us Help -Hillary Hawkins Delay

Spende geschützt
On September 19, 2017 my sister in law, Hillary Hawkins Delay, woke up in the middle of the night to find her home on fire.  Fortunately she and her daughter were the only ones home and got out safely.  The tragedy in this story is that she lost EVERYTHING!  The insurance company is going to pay her home off, however, with a mortgage on the house it doesn't leave her anything to rebuild.  She is a single mom of three who works very hard to provide a warm and loving home and is now faced with replacing everything.  I can't begin to comprehend what she is feeling.  The loss, the devistation, and just being overwhelmed with how she will even begin again.   When asked how we could help, she said she needed a pair of shoes.   She has nothing.  If would like to help we would greatly appreciate it!
If you can send anything, absolutly anything it would help!  When alot of people care and contribute to help someone, no matter how small, together it makes a huge difference! Your heart felt donation will mean the world to her.   Thank you in advance for helping us help her rebuild her life.  God bless you!


  • Brandy Vachtsevanos
    • $20
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Suz'anne Campbell Hawkins
Sandy Springs, GA
Holly Hawkins

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