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Support Heritage Paradise Staff

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A Story of Survival - Provider Magazine - Here is a great article telling the story of the evacuation and recapping the heroic efforts of the Heritage staff. 

Heritage Paradise is a skilled nursing and transitional care facility in Paradise, California. During the tragic "Camp Fire" that started on November 8th, the facility was lost in the fire along with 90 to 95% of the town of Paradise.
While the town was evacuating, the amazing and heroic staff of Heritage Paradise stayed in harms way to evacuate all of their residents. There are so many heroic stories arising from the ashes in Paradise, but we are truly grateful to the amazing caregivers that risked their lives to save those in need at Heritage.
Unfortunately, the majority of caregivers that risked everything for others, lost their homes, jobs and community in a few devastating hours. We would like to help them get back on their feet in any way and need the support of everyone. Please help us give back to those that help others which includes up to 117 employees at Heritage. 
These funds will be distributed to the staff of Heritage Paradise that lost their homes to help with basic needs such as shelter, clothes, food and any items they need to just get back to normal.
We cannot express how thankful we are to these incredible individuals...



  • Anonym
    • $742
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Heritage Paradise (2)

Bob Wright
Paradise, CA
Barbara Addington
Sonya Meyer
Team member

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