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Help Us Save Ace

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Veterinary Hospital info:
Alta Vista Animal Hospital Ottawa, ON, Canada
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON, K1T 1M9

Ace's story:
“Nice to meet you friends! My name is Ace, I am 6 years handsome! Also a very naughty, but charming Siberian husky! I love to cuddle in people's feet, basically befriend anyone who will give me ANY attention. I love begging for food and treats, and of course chasing squirrels and leaves. I can run really, really fast, in fact some doggies of my kind are used as sled dogs. Sometimes, I run too fast! What can I say? I really like running and games! My last play got me very hurt however! I accidentally broke free from the leash and ran away to find my own fun.  As I was crossing the nearby freeway I was hit by a car. Lucky as I am, the driver stopped, found my family and led them to me. I was taken to the veterinary Critical Care Unit with a spinal L7 fracture. Shortly after, I started having a few medical accessories stick out of me. My family thought they could take me back, and in time I would heal well. However, this means going home without the IV pain killers and I simply could not tolerate the excruciating nerve pain in my back. The doctors also said, I am paraplegic. 
My family and doctors could not let me go through this suffering. Their options were to let me sleep forever or try to save my back with surgery. My family has decided to give me the best chance at continuing life and walking again. Taking me to a spine specialist to operate and stabilize my back will make these happen."

Hello friends, and kind sympathizers. Our family loves and cherishes our husky Ace so much! We were faced with some pretty heavy decisions about his tragic accident. Giving him the best chance to walk, jump and be painless again are our biggest goals. This will come at a very big price for our family, but we simply cannot consider the alternative which is euthanasia. We have been given reassurance that this surgery will fix Ace's fracture and he will regain his ability to walk.  After a very lengthy discussion with the vet neurosurgery team, our family was sure that Ace's prognosis would be best with surgery. On November 17th, after being in critical care for a few days, Ace went to the OR and had a very successful 8rh spine surgery. This is a very rare procedure as most owners, we were informed, would have euthanized at this point due to financial and care giver burden. The 3 neurosurgeons who did this surgery secured Ace's back with external metal hardware which has to stay in place for 8 weeks. His tail was amputated at the same time, because there was a second nonfixable fracture there. He recovered after surgery with minimal inflammation and was able to go home 2 days later. We received a very detailed discharge package with instructions to keep him on crib rest for 6-8 weeks (some supervised walking allowed at 3 weeks and on) medications and strategies on how to look after him, possible complications and bumps.

Ace is recovering slowly but surely. We provide nursing care for him around the clock ourselves. He receives medications, initially he had a urinary catheter but now it's out - he wears a diaper because he leaks poops and pees. We follow a routine schedule for his daily activities. He is a few weeks in recovery, and we walk him using a sling. Bowel and bladder control loss is one complication that out family was informed about in advance, this may or not be a long-term thing. It is related to the level of the spinal fracture. His comfort is much better, and pain is well controlled. We ask that you put yourself in our shoes, and support us boldly during this complex process to recover our baby. Any contribution to this fundraiser will go towards his old and future vet visits, follow up tests & procedures, medications, supplies (example: diapers). We want to send him to rehab eventually and give him the best possible shot at walking/playing. If a financial contribution is not what you can do at this time, please SHARE this link on your: facebook/tweeter/instagram/email/etc.
Sharing helps find donations! Please help us save Ace.



  • Laura Baeyens
    • $30
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Gabi Bojkova
Smiths Falls, ON
Bojko Belovsky

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