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On Friday March 9th, Toby, my baby, woke up acting lethargic. Being the hyperactive dog that he is, it was weird to see him so turned off. I thought he was just not feeling well- maybe ate something he shouldn’t have. On Sunday, his temperature was 105.5 F and there was no denying that something was terribly wrong. We went straight to the vet. After blood tests, urinalysis, X-rays, they weren’t sure of what was wrong. Toby was given antibiotics and sent home.

On Monday morning, Toby’s temperature was still too high. I had to make him sleep on the floor to reduce his body temperature and lay ice cold rags on his body. He was barely eating or drinking water. On Tuesday morning, back to the vet we went. He was hospitalized. Dehydrated. They diagnosed him with Bronchopneumonia. He stayed overnight with exams, IV, antibiotics, and tranquilizers.

On Thursday, Toby was still not better. In fact, he started getting tremors and had bloody nose and gums. I rushed him straight to the ER, with more tests, bloodwork, IV and the same diagnosis. My poor baby is currently being watched tentatively until Sunday.

For anyone who has pets knows that watching your baby suffer is heart-wrenching. They can’t ask for help or tell you what’s wrong or what feels better. They’re helpless and completely dependent on you. Toby and I don’t like asking for help, we have everything we need with each other but veterinary bills are piling . Any help is appreciated, anyone who knows us knows that he is my baby, my life, my shadow, my best friend, and no dog should ever suffer. If not, keep him in your prayers and send us good vibes for a fast recovery❤



  • Toby Stornetta
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Natalia Ratmiroff
Fort Lauderdale, FL

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