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The Help Lift Brenda Project

Donación protegida
Almost 24 years ago, my sister, Brenda, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. What started out as a mild case of MS with few symptoms has now progressed into a severe, chronic, and physically limiting disability. Brenda now is unable to do even the simplest of things which many of us take for granted. Her ability to walk, stand, and even move around has been compromised significantly by the ravages of MS. It has been a long, difficult, and frustrating road for her. However, with your generous assistance, there is some hope for Brenda.

The SureHands Ceiling Lift System
( will enable Brenda to transfer from her bed to her motorized chair, to the bathroom, and to other places in her home; also, it will allow Brenda to dress herself without assistance. The Lift System and its installation will require certain renovations to Brenda's home, including associated construction costs, which are quite expensive.

Unfortunately, none of these items are covered by insurance. Without the Lift System in place, Brenda's prospects for some form of independent living are dim, and she may have to enter a nursing home. Please, don't let this happen. Find it in your heart to help Brenda purchase the Lift System so that she can function freely and maintain the dignity that most of us enjoy.



  • Anónimo
    • $25
    • 10 yrs
  • Patricia O'Brien Pomerleau
    • $400 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Louise Kandle
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Kathy Braker-Braun
East Kingston, NH

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe