Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Helping Hands Puerto Rico Relief

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We are raising money for our family in Puerto Rico who have been severely impacted by Hurricane's Irma and Maria. Puerto Rico has been devasted by the worst natural disasters in over 90 years, and the road to recovery will likely take years. Infrastructure in PR has been completely devastated and getting life-saving and life-sustaining resources to the island is facing significant challenges , to say the least. We hope to help our loved ones in Puerto Rico begin that long journey with all the love, support and resources that we can give. It takes a village to raise a child, and it will take a comprehensive--collective effort to help everyone in Puerto Rico recover--especially our family. We would be most appreciative of any monetary gift you can give, no matter the amount. Every little bit helps and is very much appreciated. We are raising these funds to help our family secure the basic essentials and resources that they need as quickly as possible. The money collected will also be used to help offset repair costs to their homes / property.

Please consider helping us be there for the Santana, Falero and Danois family when it matters most. May God Bless  our family, and the people of Puerto Rico!

Thank you for your time, courtesy and consideration!

The Family
Abbildung helfender Hände

Bringe diese Spendenaktion mit einer Spende von $50 näher an ihr Ziel

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  • Direct Impact Fund
    • $338
    • 7 yrs
Abbildung helfender Hände

Bringe diese Spendenaktion mit einer Spende von $50 näher an ihr Ziel

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Sonya M Jones
London Britain Township, PA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt