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Help Sara and her family #cancersucks

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Hey all it is Sara.  As many of you know I am right now dealing with Colon Cancer.  But that’s not the last year alone, my daughter and son have both had surgery, I had ACL surgery along with many PT appt’s and then I had 4 biopsies done on my thyroid due to the 4 of 7 of my tumors being suspicious for cancer.  I also had to see a cardiologist for my heart arrhythmia’s because my thyroid tumors were mad and set my heart arrhythmia’s into overdrive. So I am on a med for that also.  I had a skin biopsy for a suspicious mole.  My husband had  MRSA right before my colon surgery which required surgery and several dr appt’s after.   I have had 2 CT scans,  2 MRI’s, chemo, and lots of meds, colonoscopy, surgery for my port, labs every month and a half for my thyroid and so much more.  And next year won’t be any better, more chemo, another CT, more labs for my thyroid, ultrasound for my thyroid, another colonoscopy, after chemo I have to go in every 4-6 weeks for over a year and have my port flushed cause they don’t take it out for at least a year in case I have a cancer reoccurrence.  Whew that was a lot to type which kinda overwhelmed me to say the least.  But this is my life.  I am not one to ask for help but w 9 surgeries in 5 years or less, cancer and all the other crap listed above, it has finally caught up to us and we could use some help.   I am not asking you to feel bad for us.  I know it could be worse.  But right now the financial stress of it all is taking its toll on us.  Thank your for reading and thank you for any donation.  We appreciate it more then you will ever know!!!!


  • Kathy Lemke
    • $25
    • 4 yrs

Team di raccolta fondi (2)

Sara Ste Marie
Wausau, WI
Erik Ste. Marie
Team member

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