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Help Replace Stolen Tinker Tools (updated)

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For over a decade, Tinker Camp has been helping children, families and schools in Portland, Oregon by providing STEAM education content, programs, camps and classes. But on August 7th, our entire stock of tools and supplies was stolen along with our beloved Tinker Tank Too, a white Ford van. 

We are very nearly ready to roll out two Covid-19 programs that include providing content and training to educational "pods" of families who cannot return to school, and a special, narrative-based phone/web app to support your child's progress on an ongoing  basis.

Along with the pandemic and economic hardship that everyone is experiencing, the August 7th theft was a crippling blow to our program. We cannot continue Tinker Camp without recovering these losses. We are on a ventilator in intensive care.

We recovered the van last night thanks to some awesome neighbors in the St. Johns neighborhood!  However, the van was empty of all of our equipment, the catalytic converter was cut from exhaust, the steering column was destroyed, and the doors were brutalized because of the heavy-duty locks. All this can be repaired, but the loss of our tools is the biggest hit. 


  • Johny Padua
    • $100
    • 4 yrs


Blake Swensen
Portland, OR

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