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Help Phil Choudhury recover

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My father in law recently had a severe asthma attack. He has had problems in the past with his illness, but this one hit much harder, causing cardiac arrest and we almost lost him. Fortunately he is currently recovering at the hospital. It has been a traumatic experience for all of us and while he is improving, the road to recovery is long and stressful on the family. He has been a happy, wonderful father and elder in the congregation. The Choudhury family are the sweetest and loving people I have ever met. Since he will be out of work for a while and medical expenses are significant, I want to make sure they are as comfortable as possible and they don’t need to stress about the ‘anxiety’s of life.’ Anything you give would be extremely appreciated.



  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Hannah Choudhury
Union, NJ
Alexander Choudhury

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