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Help my Mom beat ovarian cancer

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Never in a million years did I think that this could happen to us. On July 20, 2018, after months of going to her regular doctor and the emergency room at the local hospital in Del Rio, Texas, with complaints of nausea, pains in the front and right side of her abdomen, several sonograms, ultrasounds, cat scans, MRIs, having 88 ounces of fluids removed from her right lung, because her doctor said that she had a pinch of pneumonia and dozens of viles of blood to be tested for different things, having been told that she might have gall bladder stones, then changing their diagnoses to kidney stones because they detected blood in her urine sample, the emergency room doctor decided to send her to a hospital in San Antonio, Texas because he thought she might have cancer and they wanted to confirm.

 Early the next morning, they told my mom and dad that they were going to implant a chem port on the right side of my mom's upper chest and that a doctor was going to conduct a biopsy and collect specimens from her uterous and ovaries.  After about 2 hours, the doctor informed them, that they had confirmed my mom has stage 4 ovation cancer and that it has spread to her right lung and upper abdomen area.  

  At this time, my mom has undergone 3 chemotherapy sessions. The effects of chemotherapy are very harsh, but my mom is fighting hard and keeping a positive attitude.  On September 28th my mom will have a complete hysterectomy and removal operation of cancerous lymph nodes found in her upper abdomen area.  4 more chemotherapy sessions will follow after the operation.

 My dad, who is the sole income provider for my their household will be retiring after 22 years of federal service to be my moms full-time provider. My parents have already started to receive some medical bills and will be receiving more in the future. My family is asking for any donations so that my mom's only concern is getting better. For those of you that know my mom, know that she is the funniest and most caring person you could ever meet.  She has spent her whole life taking care of other people and all of our fur children and now we are trying our best to make this fight just a little easier for her. If you cannot help financially please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and share this link. She is an extremely strong woman, she WILL beat this. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.


  • NathanJoe LittleCar
    • $25
    • 6 yrs


Kayla Cardenas
Del Rio, TX

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