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Help Me Raise Funds For My Recovery

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My name is Sarah-Jane and I live in South Africa. I've been ill for quite some time, and despite my best efforts to help myself, my physical condition has deteriorated to a point where I require rehabilitation to regain muscle mass, strength, stability and confidence. My good friends Mai and Chris very kindly set up this GoFundMe to help me raise funds to alleviate the grave financial burden of the year's hospital bills, and to assist with coverage of my upcoming admission to a Life Hospital rehabilitation unit.

Please take a moment to watch the video above as it details the reasons assistance is needed. If you would prefer to read the details, the same information is below, but without visuals.


Following the sudden death of my father at a young age, I spent over a decade battling an illness that almost killed me. I'd been making a solid attempt at recovery for the past two years, however last year, with an incredible amount of willpower and support from my best friend and family, I was finally able to beat it.

I fought tooth and nail to restore my health, and things were improving until the sudden onset of an array of alarming symptoms halted my progress. Thus began the avalanche of ill-health that would leave me far worse off than before.

Since my medical records are as thick as a wizard's tome, I'll briefly discuss the two recurring sets of symptoms that caused me prolonged debilitation and distress, confining me to my home on a good day, and my bed on a bad.

1. Severe esophageal/gastrointestinal issues that prevented me from swallowing/eating, leaving me in a weakened and malnourished state.

2. Frequent TIA+Seizure-like episodes, that would include confusion, blurred vision, slurred speech, dizziness, weakness, paraesthesia, and pain on the right side of my body.

Desperate to restore the progress I'd made with my recovery, and despite being unemployed (due to the illness) and only having a degree of in-hospital cover, I did everything within my power to investigate the cause and find a solution. My GPs worked tirelessly trying to treat both sets of symptoms, however despite our best efforts, my condition rapidly deteriorated. Since the symptoms were so varied, severe and unrelenting, I had no other choice but to consult with specialists.

Since February 2018, I've had numerous GP visits and multiple hospital admissions (via the ER) and outpatient consults with: Neurologists, ENTs, a Cardiologist, a Vascular Surgeon, Gastroenterologists, Physiotherapists, a Chiropractor, a Nutritionist. I've had almost every available blood test, an EEG, ECGs, treadmill stress tests, ecocardiograms, a 24 HR Holter Monitor, numerous X-Rays (Cervical, Lumbar Thoracic, Abdominal), two Ultrasounds (Abdominal), an uncontrasted CT scan (Brain), a contrasted CT scan (Abdomen), an uncontrasted MRI (Thoracic Spine), two MRIs (Brain - uncontrasted and contrasted), a CT Angiogram (Brain).

It took that much time, investigation, money and insistence for an answer to discover that I have three things going on causing my symptoms, two of them rare: Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS) is a condition in which the median arcuate ligament presses too tightly on the celiac artery (a major branch of the aorta that delivers blood to the stomach, liver, and other organs) and the nerves in the area (celiac plexus); a 5 mm Neuroglial Cyst in the Right Temporal Lobe of my brain; "Extensive Paranasal Sinus Disease" with a mass in the left maxillary sinus, and Complex Migraines.  

This entire experience has left me physically weak, and extremely emotionally distressed, not only because of the diagnosis, but the large financial burden that accompanied them. At present I have next to no mobility due to muscle atrophy, dizziness, instability, and extreme anxiety.

I cannot fault the knowledge, experience and efficiency of the specialists who diagnosed me, however, I do believe that this protracted ordeal could've been truncated had all of my complaints been investigated simultaneously from the get-go, potentially saving me further anxiety, ill-health, and financial hardship. I was also not afforded any strategy or rehabilitation going forward, and simply booted out once each diagnosis was made.

My wonderfully caring GP has gone above and beyond to assist me (almost every day) during this time, but I requite inpatient treatment.

I am currently liasing with a case worker at a physical rehabilitation facility which runs a program including physiotherapists, nutritionists, and psychologists to help patients recover and become physically, emotionally and mentally stronger, thus regaining their quality of life. I feel as if this is my last hope as I've been lying in this room for what seems to be an eternity. If I'm able to get some hands-on help, perhaps I'll finally be able to sit up at the PC and work, enjoy my hobby (gaming), or spend time with friends and family again.

Unfortunately, I do not have full medical coverage, and my outstanding medical bills are exorbitant. Absolutely any assistance you could provide to help me meet my goal would be greatly appreciated.


If you would like to donate via Paypal, you can send your donation directly to [E-Mail ausgeblendet]

For my South African friends who asked about donating, please inbox/mail [E-Mail ausgeblendet] and I'll give you the local EFT details

PLEASE NOTE: While I live in South Africa, my friend Chris, who set this up, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Since I could not set up the GoFundMe up myself, Chris set it up on my behalf and will pass all donations to me via Paypal. That is why 'Cardiff' is listed as the location.


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    • £40
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Sarah-Jane Williams

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