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Help me get my dad out from immigration

Spende geschützt
My dad is Roland Gramajo he got detained today September 5th 2019 @ 8 am. My dad has helped the Latino community and Alief community ever since he lived here. He has  always gave and gave to the community because he want us latinos to grow. Please anything will help , my dad is a good man , a great father , please anything will help. Its just me and my mom w 4 kids please. Magaly is my mother who will be receiving the funds. Those funds will help my father Roland Gramajo, with Bond, Immigrations Attorney Fees , Criminal Lawyer Fees , Court Fees, Etc.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katherine Gramajo
Mission Bend, TX
Magaly Quicano

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