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Help Kevin, Future Doctor, Beat Brain Cancer

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To Friends, Family, Acquaintances and Kind Strangers,

We are reaching out with heavy hearts. In March of 2024, two months prior to graduating medical school at the Ohio State University College of Medicine, Sang Min (Kevin) Lee found out that he had a rare brain cancer.

In the weeks that followed, Kevin has met with countless doctors to navigate what his future may look like. He has undergone a brain biopsy, is scheduled for six rounds of chemotherapy followed by radiation, and is awaiting news on a potential surgery. His prognosis and potential for a cure remains high, and Kevin will not stop fighting until he beats cancer.

Despite this tough news, Kevin has not lost sight of his dreams of becoming a neurologist, and will be attending the University of California, San Diego for residency once he finishes treatment. Kevin told us that he knows there is a reason for all of this—that through this experience he will better be able to relate to and care for his future patients. That is the kind of person Kevin is: caring, thoughtful, and sees the best in all around him. Even during the darkest season of his life, he thinks of how it may help others.

While Kevin feels blessed by the care he is receiving, he is already looking at tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills, not including the treatment he has yet to receive. We hope that this page will help alleviate some of that burden. Every dollar will go directly to his medical expenses, allowing him to focus on what truly matters: beating cancer.

Any help is appreciated, and if you are unable to donate at this time, please share Kevin’s story so that we can reach as many people as possible.

Kevin, his mother Jeein Koo, his brother William, as well as his friends thank you for your generosity and compassion—for standing with him through this present battle, for fighting with him for a brighter future.

With utmost gratitude,

Kevin’s friends and family
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  • Anonyme
    • $20
    • 2 mos
  • Kelly Gu
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Jennifer Franke
    • $20
    • 2 mos
  • Anonyme
    • $25
    • 2 mos
  • Anonyme
    • $25
    • 2 mos
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Dennis Yang
Columbus, OH
Kevin Lee

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