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Help Get Benji. & the Band to Tennessee!

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Hey guys! My name is Benji. and my band and I will be performing at Rhythm N Blooms Festival  in Knoxville, TN May 17-19 with Tank and the Bangas, Tyler Childers, and Dawes all headlining over the weekend! It's a tremendous honor and our first festival as a unit so it will be a special weekend for all of us. The purpose of this gofundme is to help with our travel and lodging expenses. We are very much used to paying our own way as we always have, so this is a bit new (and slightly weird) for us to ask you all for money.  Anything and everything helps!  We are eternally grateful and appreciative to those who are able to donate and contribute, and even to those who can only offer positive energy and well wishes. As always we will represent our families, loved ones, and our city pridefully.



  • Nkem Chikwendu
    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Ian Benji Welch
Pittsburgh, PA

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