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Help for Mila’s Cancer Treatment

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On June 28th, 2018, Mila was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colorectal cancer. It has metastasized to her esophagus as well as her liver. Mila is a single mother raising a 16 year old son in the Phoenix area. She moved to Phoenix in 2007, where she has been working at Desert Mountain  Club. 

Due to her her recent diagnosis, she has taken a medical leave of absence. She will be going through intense chemotherapy and radiation during this time. She has maxed out her insurance benefits and her treatments and therapies are not fully covered. Her out of pocket expenses will be great, as well the day to day expenses while she is not working. 

She has has one if not more very costly surgeries coming up that are not fully covered as well.  Any donation helps, no matter the size. It is greatly appreciated as she is in the fight of her life and needs to focus on that.  Please share with anyone you feel can or would want to help, as we are trying to get this out to as many people as possible.   

Thank you so much.


  • Cheryl Lumibao-Nieva
    • $60
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Mila’s Desert Mountain Family (4)

Jessica Wooley
Avondale, AZ
JL Bauer
Team member
Ainggie Whitney
Team member
Brighitte Cabanillas
Team member

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