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Help Battle Kathy's Cancer

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Kathy  Eiholzer was recently diagnosed with a rare form ovarian cancer, called low grade serous carsonoma. Which has spread up into & around her intestines and is attached to two of her main  arteries.

 She will be going in for surgery on  the 28th of August to try to  have as much of this removed as possible. Shorty following her surgery she will be undergoing chemo therapy.

 Not only has this woman spent the past 30 plus years taking care of others at a nursing home, but she has helped so many when they were in a time of need.  So now it's our turn to give back to her and help her in anyway that we can!  

Any money donated will go towards the cost of treating this disease & daily expenses while she's out of work.

As her daughter, I ask that if you cannot donate at this time, please share! We could use all of the help we can get!


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Amanda Hope
Eaton, NY

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