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Help baby Emily battle liver cancer

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Baby Emily is a sweetheart who has faced much adversity in her short little life. You see, Emily was born at just 25 weeks gestation. This sweet little warrior has a twin sister, Emma. The two of these angels have fought against all odds for their lives. Little Emma was able to go home last year. She has faced many issues a long the way, but each challenge she has overcome. Baby Emily has been in the hospital for her entire life. She is 22 months old. Last week Emily’s parents received the best news ever! They were told that Emily was finally able to be discharged and sent home. Her parents were elated to say the least. This excitement however was very short lived. When the doctors were performing various tests in preparation for Emily’s discharge they incidentally found out that Emily has liver cancer. Baby Emily is now preparing to undergo surgery on her liver followed by chemotherapy.

Baby Emily has been two hours away from her family’s home for the last year in a special hospital with the ability to treat her lungs. Her parents have faithfully traveled back and forth between their hometown and the town in which Emily has been hospitalized for the last year. Her parents are very hardworking individuals. If we could all try to help this family in this time if need to offset some of their expenses it would mean more to them than you will ever know.


  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Tami Bressler Vorhies
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Heather Smith

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