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Help Aisha Afford Immunotherapy

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***UPDATE - I am heartbroken to announce that Aisha passed away from pneumonia on February 26th. I am currently considering suitable causes which could benefit from the proceeds of her campaign.***

In November 2015, my partner Aisha was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma. She has tried multiple types of chemotherapy, but unfortunately none of them have been able to get her into remission. A new type of immune therapy treatment could give her a chance of a cure. However, this treatment is not yet funded on the NHS, and the only way she can currently access these drugs is to pay for them herself. She needs this treatment as soon as possible.

The funding goal of this project is £24,000, which will be enough to pay for the first two rounds of immunotherapy treatment - by which time we should have a fairly clear idea of whether or not it is working. This being said, the consultants have left us in no doubt that total cost may be upwards of £100,000 if multiple courses of treatment are needed. Still, anything we can do will be a start.

***UPDATE - We were recently told that Aisha will most likely require 25 cycles of immunotherapy, and we do indeed need to raise around £100,000 in order to do this. However, the good news is that each cycle will cost £4,000, not £12,000 as we had anticipated. Also, this would be administered fortnightly, and it is unlikely we'd have to raise the full £100,000 before Aisha could begin treatment - we could raise money alongside it. The funding goal therefore remains at £24,000, on the understanding that this total would get Aisha six cycles of treatment, and buy the campaign three additional months in which to raise the rest of the money.***

I am organising a live music event on Sunday 12th March at Rebellion in Manchester, with all proceeds going towards the cost of her immunotherapy drugs. You can get tickets here:

Before Aisha became ill, she was pursuing a promising career in research science, in the form of a Biology PhD in Essex. Much to the detriment of herself, the university and the scientific community, her illness forced her to abandon this endeavour until she could recover. Aisha is a wonderful, kind, caring young woman, whose adulthood is just beginning, and whose main goal in life has been to do all she can to help make our world a better place. She deserves the chance to beat this horrendous illness and get her life back.

In the event Aisha does not need the money, then we are most happy to give it to a cancer charity who can use it to help other people in her situation. 

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    • £25
    • 8 yrs
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