HAWXX are making their debut album!
Donation protected
The time has come, kettleheads! We are recording our debut album!!! We are on such a high following the Tremonti tour across the UK , Ireland and the Netherlands and we feel now the time is right. We are so ready to get into the studio and record brand new songs for you guys. We will always be so grateful for the donations you made to our debut music video Death of Silence. The video went on to win multiple awards and has amassed 26k views on YouTube. That’s thanks to you all!!!
We love that we have built this beautiful Kettle community and that we are moving towards world domination together. Now, we are calling on our amazing Kettleheads once again for your support. Your donations will go towards recording and production costs, music video costs, album artwork and vinyl production. We have cooked up some specialist HAWXXian tiers for each donation and will of course keep you guys updated along the way. We love you so much and thank you for being with us on this journey!
1 . The first crack in the Egg : Free digital download of the album on the day of release £5-10
2.The Hatchling : Your name will be added to the album booket vinyl and cd £15-20
3. The Rock Chick : Your name on the wall of fame exclusive album poster, signed and sent to you £25-40
4. The Squawk : 20 mins Meet and Greet drinks with the whole band on zoom £50 - £70
5. The Flight : Personalised song in 4 part harmonies with your name in it, will post to social media £80-£100
6. The Hunt: Bespoke box of magical HAWXX treats, signed photographs, limited run of HAWXX tee £110- 140
7. The Kill: Exclusive invite to album listening party in a secret location in London £150 +
8. MENTALIST KETTLEHEAD: all of the above + All Access Passes to 2x HAWXX shows £500+