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Hank's Entropion Surgery

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Hello! We are Ryan and Jessica Dalton!

This is our boy, Hank Dalton! Hank is predicted to be around two years old. Ryan found Hank abandoned at an oil rig and decided to bring him home. We truly believe that Hank found us for a reason. We call him lucky number 7 as he's our seventh dog! Everyone who knows us knows how much our dogs mean to us. They are our children...just with some fur. They never miss a vet appointment, a meal, a birthday celebration and lets be honest...they have a bigger toy collection than some children! They never go without and we love them beyond words.

Here is a little timeline/backstory on what is going on with Hank:

Upon Ryan bringing Hank home we quickly realized something was wrong with his eyes as he could not keep them open. The very next morning we took Hank to our (wonderful) vet, Dr. Pohl. Dr. Pohl was a little stumped and reffered us to an eye specialist in Houston. We quickly made an appointment with the specialist.

On 7/26 we took Hank to his appointment with the specialist. Upon our visit, we learned that Hank had corneal ulcers which we found out were very painful. This was caused by rolling of the eyelids also known as entropion. Entropion is an abnormality of the eyelids in which the eyelids "roll" inward.  Dr. Rainbow (the Houston specialist) recommended it would be best to place cornea bandages on each eye so they could heal, he also wanted to stitch the bottom eyelids down in hopes that after two weeks they would correct themselves and stay in place and not roll in again. 

On 8/1 Hank had the surgery Dr. Rainbow suggested. This surgery was $1,235. His first visit was $160.
After the surgery Hank required two separate eye drops three times a day, along with pain meds. He was not happy with us and quickly learned all our tricks to get his eyedrops in!

On 8/18 after a little over two weeks, we took Hank back to Dr. Rainbow for his check up. During this visit Hank had his stitches removed. Dr. Rainbow was very impressed with how well Hanks eyes had healed with the corneal bandages! His eyelids even stayed open after the stitches were removed! This was GREAT news!  Hank was quite happy to be cone free, medication free, stitch free and the best of all, to be able to see again! This visit was $150.

On 8/20 we noticed Hanks eyelids started to roll in. We watched it closely and hoped it would get better but unfortunately it has not. After speaking with Dr. Rainbow it has been decided that the best option for Hank will be entropion surgery. This surgery will removed a small amount of skin from the eyelids so they will no longer roll inward. 

This surgery is very expensive. After recently moving and the first surgery expense of around $1,545 we are not in the best situation to pay for this second surgery as soon as he needs it done. We did not want to do this and are a little embarrassed to have to ask for help but this is our last option. Of course we could reach out to rescues and turn him over like some people would do but for us, that is absolutely NOT an option. We love Hank and he is officially part of our family. We can't give up on him now. We do not have any options left and giving him up is NOT one of them. 

This surgery could cost anywhere from $1,600 to $2,200. Dr. Rainbow said Hank is right in that range. After the surgery he will have check ups and other after care. Sedation and stitch removal is also separate from the cost of the actual surgery. 

Our goal is $1,600 as we do have some saved up. 

Every little bit helps. If you are unable to help with a donation PLEASE help by sharing Hanks GoFundMe. 

Thank you all so much!


  • Paige Phillips
    • $36
    • 7 yrs


Jessica Dalton
Franklin, TX

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