Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Hang Family Emergency Support Fund

Donación protegida
Words cannot express the tragic loss of our beloved, Kristin Diaz Hang.

On June 2nd, Kristin was scheduled for a planned c-section to deliver baby Madison. Kristin, Sov, and little Sofia waited in anticipation to grow their beautiful family.

On the evening of June 1st, Kristin rapidly deteriorated without warning, or known cause. She was rushed to the hospital in the care of the Kaiser family she had worked alongside for many years. An emergency delivery resulted in the loss of our wonderful, Kristin. Baby Madison is still fighting for her life, and is on life support.

Though we cannot share more at this time, it is important to step up and show our support forthe Hang family. They blessed our lives with their friendship, love, and support in so many ways. Their love and happiness was infectious. Their zeal to live life to the fullest everyday was apparent to all. Though they are in a fog, and grieving, we hope that this campaign can help in a small way.


  • Anónimo
    • $5
    • 4 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Marcelo Anteparra-Naujock
Lake Oswego, OR
Sov Hang

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