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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

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Hello everyone,

My Dad, Fuad Muratovic is a 54 year old  Bosnian citizen (still lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina) has been diagnosed with ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

ALS weakens the muscles until they become no longer  functional at all. In most cases as my Dad's case he will become paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.
In my Dad's case it has affected his lungs in the worst way.
He has been in the hospital (intensive care) for over 55 days and has been using a breathing ventilator - hospital provided. He also had a tracheotomy procedure done. Tracheotomy is a medical procedure that involves creating an opening in the neck in order to place a tube into a person’s windpipe. Breathing (using ventilator) is then done through the tube, bypassing the mouth, nose, and throat.

Unfortunately my Dad's medical insurance does not cover any of the medical expenses including the most important Ventilator. He can not be released from the hospital until one is provided. Doctors medical advice is providing Vivo 50 (Breads) breathing ventilator. In the United States it costs around $6.000 but in Bosnia it is $10.000. We have to purchase this in Bosnia because it comes with a warranty and they have an agency that can service this type of product in case of repairs are needed. My Dad, basically needs to have the ventilator 24/7 and have medical staff that can be proactive in case of an emergency.

Link to more information for a purchase of the Ventilator in United States - https://www.dotmed.com/listing/ventilator/breas/vivo-50/2395572?utm_source=base&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=Base&gclid=COmvo4ex4dQCFdGCswodYmgE3w

My brother and I have been covering the cost of his medical pills (rilutek also known as riluzole)  - which costs $300.00 per a  bottle (1 month supply).

These funds are needed as he can not pay for it himself. My  brother and I are paying for all of these services and need some financial help.

My Dad's condition is way worse at this moment. These pictures were taken 4-5 months ago. I'm unable to provide updated images as it's against federal law to take pictures of patients in Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

My family and I greatly appreciate any and all gifts.

Thank you,
Dino Muratovic


  • David Carnes
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Dino Muratović
New Orleans, LA

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