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Guess how much cancer cost

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Wife has been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer...fuck! Looking to raise money by having people guess the total spend for this treatment. Closest guess splits money raised with us and breast cancer research. Michele is strong and healthy, a great edge going into 6 months of chemo, then surgery and possibly radiation therapy. We have gold ball insurance, thanks to Michele's insistence on going with the PPO option at my work. Still....we have out of pocket expenses, high deductibles and sundry costs to absorb. Then there's the contract limit of $1 million that my friend and his wife reached, after which he was supposed to pay 30%. Her bills totaled $1.6 million. Not only did he lose his wife, but also his house and had to file BK. Isn't capitalism great?

I know I am hypocritical when I bag on Health Insurance C-suiters collecting $500 million in compensation, as I have benefited to the tune of $330K from my battle with cancer, circa 2014, but is anyone really worth that much? Can they really be that much more effective than a Single Payer system run by chucklehead government types.  Oh! and toss in the other $500 million they annually spend on lobbyist in DC to influence policy in their favor through lining your senators' and congressmen's pockets. Basically by denying claims through their in house trumped up shills that don't ever practice medicine but stay sober long enough to come up with "medical" guidelines to not pay for treatments. 

Enough about them! I propose to keep track of every dollar this treatment will cost until we are resolved. You will be amazed at what the bills total up to. I propose you guess within the penny, one guess for every $5 you send.  If you are best guess, you win one-third of what we collect, the other two-thirds we split with Cancer research. At this point probably the Suzan Koman Foundation.

Please post on your Social Media platfroms the link to this fundraiser!
Thanks for your time and donation, and if you can't/don't want to give money all prayers are gratefully accepted!

Peace Out!
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  • Rebecca Brockway
    • $25
    • 5 yrs
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Bill Mcnulty
Santee, CA

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