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Help Lacy Johnson Heal

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My sweet 16-year-old niece Lacy is at Sutter Children's Hospital and is very ill and in intense pain. My sister Kim has suffered numerous serious health issues over the past three years. In good times, a hospital admission is expensive. Considering all of Kim's admissions and procedures, as well as Lacy suffering type 1 diabetes requiring expensive day to day medical care, this admission is not only emotionally but potentially financially devastating for my sister and her family. If you know Kim and Dave, my amazing brother-in-law, you know they would NEVER ask for help, though they would both give the shirts off their backs to help a stranger. Please help if you can and let them concentrate on fighting to get Lacy better! Here's Kim's most recent update post: Lacy Update: unfortunately, Lacy has some type lesion (tumor or possible bleeding into dural space after LP) in her thoracic spine. She also has multiple swollen nodes in her mesentery. Neither the MD nor the radiologist have seen anything like this, but unfortunately I have. She is very ill. Her scan was done at 4, but the MD was "too busy" to come and tell us until midnight. And didn't call the neurologist either. Same MD who said nothing was wrong with Lacy but a cold. Finally he gave in to the PCA pump with dilaudid, but with a very small dose for the pain she is in. I hope it works, she deserves some rest. Looking forward to seeing Sam Ciricillo in the am. #prayforlacy #fightlikeagirl


  • Kelly Flores-Vogler
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Keri Muentz
Pleasanton, CA
Kim Andersen Johnson

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