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GiYu Dojo Story

Donazione protetta
The Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojos, located in Centerville, Ohio and Lawrenceville, Georgia, teach the Japanese martial art of Kobudo.  Synonymous with the Koryu arts, Kobudo/Koryu fighting styles were developed and used by the warrior class for battlefield application during Japan's feudal period.  Techniques were taught to ensure victory and that success was predicated on hard work, focused effort, mentorship, and committed student and teacher relationship.  Sensei Sukh Sandhu is the Director of the Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojos and Honbu, which is the headquarter school, in Ohio.  He works with every pupil to forge core combat skills and strict character development that adhere to Koryu traditions, Japanese culture, and samurai characteristics.

The Gi Yu Dayton Dojo offers multiple programs for children/teenagers that teach self-protection and leadership skills in a safe environment, while fostering confidence, optimism, respect, discipline and self-defense.  The Dojo’s adult instruction provides students with the mentorship, discipline, and knowledge to preserve with their budo or martial art journeys and refine individual characteristics.  These time tested techniques and methods embody the Dojo’s name: Gi (Justice) Yu (Courage).

Whether child or adult, the Gi Yu Dojo is exemplified as one community functioning as a cohesive training hall that selflessly gives to each other, its local community, and fellow citizens.
Unfortunately, our Honbu encountered a major sewage crisis that is forcing immediate reconstruction.  This unforeseen circumstance, coupled with upgrading an aging building exterior, has led to costly repairs.  Our intent with this fund is to rectify the aforementioned discrepancies and provide you with gift to show appreciation for your donation.

To recognize your contribution for helping our budo community, we would like to present you with the following offering:

For a $100.00 to $499.99 donation the Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojos would like to send you a free tee-shirt with our name on it

For a $500.00 to $999.99 donation the Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojos would like to send you a Kyu level Training DVD

For a $1000.00 and above donation the Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojos would like give you a private 1 hour lesson with Sukh Sensei

Please email your name and address to [email modificata] so that we can verify your donation amount and provide you with the appropriate gift. Please include your Tee-shirt size as required.

Thank you for your support!


  • Jason Campbell
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Gi Yu Dojo
Dayton, OH

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