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Give the kid a break.

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Hi, if possible please take a second to have a read of this fundraiser for a special little boy called kalem Pounder.
Kalem, from birth has lived with a serious heart condition called a double left inlet ventricle. This means kalems heart has not fully developed and as a result of this he has only 3 instead of 4 chamber's, and 1 pump instead of 2. This effects kalem massively in every aspect of his life, he cannot be too warm due to fits and cannot be too cold due to loss of oxygen and ble lips.
Kalem also suffers with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Kalem has also not long undergone double catteract surgery.

If this isn't bad enough the doctors have 】just found that kalems valves have narrowed and this has caused a back draught, bless him!
Kalem is due to go into freeman's hospital for major heart surgery called the fontan.
This is to separate the blood to relieve the stress of the heart and direct the main artery in kalems leg direct to his lung.
At the same time kalem is to have further surgery on his valves to correct the narrowing.
When kalem comes out of surgery kalem will be a really poorly boy and is scheduled to spend around 8 weeks plus in the intensive care ward in freeman's.

Yet through all through his life he has never stopped singing and smiling, he is a real inspiration!

This is where we come in.

I'm raising funds for kalem to be able to have a much deserved break once discharged from hospital and hopefully help to raise his spirits throughout his recovery so that he can enjoy and for the first time in his life he can finally be the boy he longs to be.

We are holding a night for "Give the kid a break".
Hartlepool workman's club on King oswy drive, hartlepool on Friday 26th April 2024.
Where Alan, the event organiser from "Four Colour Ghosts and Marqee and Sound Soloutions ", has linked with a few other quality bands and artists to entertain the crowds for kalem.(poster will be on the photos).
We are to hold an auction in the evening also, we also have a collection service for any donations for prizes or auction items.

Can you spare a little?

Thanks for reading. It means a lot.


  • Anónimo
    • £5
    • 4 mos
  • David Bradley
    • £50
    • 5 mos
  • Anónimo
    • £100
    • 5 mos
  • Caz Ash
    • £5
    • 5 mos
  • Mark Whittingham
    • £50
    • 5 mos


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