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Get Josephine a new car

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Hello Brothers and Sisters, 

I stopped by Josephine's on a visit to Houghton and she could use our help.  She was telling me that her car was shot and had to use her daughter’s truck to get around.  Well as you can imagine it is hard for her to get in and out of the truck.  They had to build a small stepping stool to get in and out of the truck.  She ended up falling and hurting herself.  She is ok, no broken bones or major damage, but she has had to use a walker for about a month now.  They had to put a ramp up so she could get in and out of her house.  She still needs to get to doctors appointments and the only form of transportation her and her daughter have is the truck.  I would like to raise some money to help her get a car that will make it easier for her to get around in. I was hoping that the brotherhood could come together and and make this happen.  She is a wonderful lady and has done and means so much to a lot of us.


  • Roy Downham
    • $37
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Chris Shocknesse
Houghton, MI
Josephine eakins

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