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Geoff's new heart!

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Hi sweet friends and family,

On July 20th, 2017 my Dad, Geoff Ludlow, had quadruple bypass open heart surgery. By God's grace the surgery went smoothly and he is recovering better than expected. Our family, but especially Dad, feels like we have a second chance at abundant life and to say we are grateful is an understatement. These last couple of weeks have been emotional and completely unexpected but I think I speak for everyone in our family when I say, we have felt the Faithfulness of our Heavenly Father in ways we did not even know were possible. 

A couple of days before the surgery, I was sitting alone with the Father. I felt like he told me that there would be life on the other side of this and to hold onto the promise that He was holding my Dad's heart and this was not the end but actually the beginning. 

While sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear the outome of the surgery I felt it heavy on my heart to start a Go Fund Me for my precious parents. With the donation of the Bennett's ranch to Full Sail Ministries, planning a wedding, moving Allison to college, on top of their everyday expenses, I felt overwhelmed with the desire to at least put this story out there and ask for support. I am asking for $6,000 because it would cover their insurance deductable for the surgery. 

We have felt so loved and cared for during these crazy weeks. I cannot thank you enough for your support and prayers. We are deeply grateful. 

Love you all,


  • Carrie Konig
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Erin Ludlow
Visalia, CA
Jill Ludlow

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