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Gayle Kane medical fund

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My mom was an amazing mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend to all who knew her.   She had been battling some health issues for the past few months, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and then renal failure in March of this year.  Dialysis was hard on her body and took its toll on her health.  On Saturday 10/18 my dad took her to the emergency room when she started throwing up during her at home dialysis.  In the ER she suffered two seizures and multiple strokes and is now in critical care receiving around the clock care.  She is currently in a coma that doctors think she will never come back from and has severe brain damage.  We are setting up this fund to help with medical expenses during this time and also to lessen the burden on my father so he can take time off work to be with her.  No amount is too small, and we ask that if you cannot donate to please say a prayer during these difficult times.


  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 10 yrs


Alyssa Bahash
Huntington Beach, CA

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