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Daniel Hanekamp Memorial Fund

Donación protegida
My name is Melissa Smith, Dan Hanekamp is my brother in law and has been a huge inspiration to me as well as many others. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in November of 2011 and at that time was told he only had 6 months to live.  Through many prayers and much fasting he defied all the odds over and over again. I'm sure this was due to his tremendous faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  His family was his life and I'm sure he was determined to stay as long as physically possible. His love for his wife, Tammy, was a deep and an unconditional love story. You could feel and see the love he had for her. She is his Eternal companion. He loved each of his children and was so proud of them and the things they did, and all the accomplishments they made; especially for their love of the savior.  Three of his children have served missions, one of which is still serving in Brazil, doing what his father would have wanted. In December of 2013 he was told he had 6 weeks to live and defied all odds again. Tammy has stayed by his side and been his caregiver throughout this past year,  when he was unable to walk or communicate.  Due to him being bedridden at home his family has had to attend to his care along with weekly hospice visits. They have been living off Dan's disability solely with no other income which now stops with his passing. Under these circumstances in lieu of flowers they need donations to help with funeral expenses and anything would be very much appreciated.


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Melissa Smith
McDonough, GA

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