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ΣΒΧ Harvey Relief

Spende geschützt
I, Ivan Molina on behalf of the Sigma Beta Chi Fraternity wish to start a fundraiser for the brothers of Sigma Beta Chi that were effected by Hurricane Harvey, we wish to provide the upmost care and support from the brothers of ΣΒΧ. An intital goal of $2000 will be suffice to provide adequate support for some time, however, if we exceed this goal then that would mean there's more money for supplies and other necessities. It's is important to practice the fundamentals of our fraternity, Service, Brotherhood, and Cooperation with our fraternal brothers and with all men in a time of need. Funds will be withdrawn and distriplbuted as needed and will be transferred via cash, check, or bank transfer and will be used to provide temporary housing as well as any other needs such as food and water. Anything helps!


  • Mike Livermore
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Ivan Molina
San Antonio, TX

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt