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Help my family get back on track

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On 12/31/2018, my boiler/furnace malfunctioned causing carbon monoxide poisoning for myself and my 3 children. My children’s exposure was more severe and required intensive treatment. While I feel very fortunate that treatment was swift and successful, it was also very expensive. There was the ambulance ride, blood draws, EKGs, chest X-rays, hyperbaric treatments and as an added bonus, my youngest had to have both eardrums punctured to release pressure for the hyperbaric chamber. I did have insurance, but it was a high deductible plan (10,000). My youngest child was traumatized by this experience and began having extreme mental health symptoms upon returning to school. This lead to involvement from children’s mental health crisis, family therapy, play therapy, psychiatric care, and medication trials. Medical bills have been piling up and have caused me to get behind on my mortgage. I desperately need to get back on track so that we don’t lose our home and my youngest can continue to receive the mental health services that he needs.


  • Christina Lopez
    • $25
    • 5 yrs


Joanne Hodgeman
St. Paul, MN

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