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Last Hope For Young Family

Doação protegida
Natalie is a 29 year old girl that has her whole life ahead of her. She has an incredible fiancé and a beautiful 3 year old son. In October ‘19 she was diagnosed with Grade 3 Triple Negative breast cancer. She managed to complete 6 rounds of chemo before corona hit and had a lumpectomy which came back with great margins around both her tumour and her lymph nodes! She was all clear!!

About a month later natalie went back to her consultant complaining of pain in her breast and after a quick exam it was concluded that it was a build up of fluid and would rectify itself.

The pain never really subsided but some days were better than others, In September ‘20 natalie was in incredible pain. Her breast had swollen, she couldn’t sleep from the pain and was having to be continuously medicated to cope. After having further tests and a CT scan at still only 28 years old she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. During her initial diagnosis natalie worked hard to fundraise for different cancer charities and also to raise awareness about breast cancer! Along with fighting this horrific disease she put so much time and energy into trying to ensure others weren’t in her position and even with receiving this diagnosis wants to do more to help!

Her cancer had spread through the lymph nodes in her neck which is why it was missed. It has spread to her mediastinum and a small spot on her left lung as well as returning in her right breast. As far as we are informed her second type of chemo stopped working and was never noticed. Once cancer reaches stage 4 it becomes “incurable” or “terminal”. She has been given less than a year. As a young family they are trying everything in their power to save her life and have been doing a great amount of research. Along with working hard on their diet, lifestyle and supplements (vitamins etc) they are also looking at alternative medicine. She has full backing of her doctors to explore any option available to her. We have since her diagnosis been put in contact with an address in Canada to provide a pharmaceutical grade oil. Which is a place that not only has incredible reviews but also reviews from people local to us who are alive today purely because of this. Unfortunately it is not funded on the NHS and is expected to cost her approximately £1,300pm.

We are looking for anything at all that can be spared to help her. Whether a one off donation or a monthly contribution to help this young family with these incredible costs to attempt to save her life. All she wants more than anything is the world is to watch her baby boy grow. We appreciate it’s a lot of money but you just can’t put a price on your life and your health.

**edit- go fund me have requested we add in all monies with be sent to natalies partners bank account (Idrees Yaseen Mohammad) this is to ensure even if Natalie is too ill from treatment he can access the money to ensure her medication can be ordered on time.

We are completely overwhelmed and so unbelievably grateful with the response to raise funds for natalie. In less than 1 week you have all smashed her target allowing her 1 full year of treatment. We’ve just raised the target to cover 2 years. We will be fundraising throughout the next year also. Unfortunately we’re unaware of how much treatment will take to prolong and hopefully save natalie’s life so will continue to do all we can.


  • shaista jabeen
    • £10
    • 3 yrs
  • Bhushan Sharma
    • £10
    • 3 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Nasreen Mohammad
Idrees Yaseen Mohammad

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