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Darcie and Fred's Home Lost to Fire

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Like a thief in the night it came and took everything from us, with noregard to our keep sakes, family heirlooms, hard earned trophies, years of saving and accumulating, every piece of jewelry, dishware, new washer and dryer only a week old, cookbooks, iPad, sofa and bed, flatscreen, fishing equiptment, pictures on the walls.  Leaving you with nothing but the clothes on your back......the theif that robbed us and took everything was "FIRE"
Many of you have already heard but we lost our home and everything in it to fire last night 2/8/17.  We were not home and our pets were also in a safe place.  Times like this are always challenging but the friends and family showing love and support is what helps pull us through. Thank you to all who have reached out to us with your loving thoughts and offers of help.  Please keep us in your prayers as we search for a new home and try to move on and heal from this tragedy.


  • Amber Kuhnke
    • $100
    • 8 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Freinds of Fred & Darcie
Rogersville, MO
Darcie Welsh

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