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We love you Jace

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On Wednesday night at 11pm I got a phone call notifying me that my sister and her 5 month old baby were in an accident and it wasn’t good. I immediately rushed to the hospital to see my reality turn into a living nightmare, my sister was in a coma and in critical condition awaiting emergency surgery from a broken femur and rib and my nephew was in a coma as well with internal brain bleeding and a punctured lung fighting for his life. With me being the first contacted family member, I immediately notified our mother and father and all other family and friends for prayer and support as this wasn’t going to get easier for my sister when she woke out of her coma In deep worry about her son, as putting him in his car seat, and then waking up at the hospital, out of surgery, was her only memory she had from the car accident. It was not easy telling her the condition my nephew  was in and that he wasn’t going to make it. My family gathered to surround her with love and comfort and support as we all prayed for a miracle crying in hope that Jace would pull through. This has been a very rough time for us all including my sister with the trauma and confusion on how this happened and the anger and pain in all of our hearts that Jace life was taken from us by his irresponsible father driving under the influence on Xanax while my sister and their son were in the back seat. The results are still unclear weather this was an accident or an intended murder. We pray that everything in darkness comes to light and we get justice for Jace Rodriguez. On Friday at 12:20pm the last test was performed on Jace as we prayed in deep cry’s and praying hoping for a miracle that anything would change but, unfortunately the results were still the same and he was pronounced dead. Jace Rodriguez was on life support, our mother, his grandmother spent his last minutes with him as tubes were removed pulling him off life support and he took his last heart beat at 1:11pm Friday June 19th.

Thank you for those who donate to help provide the best memorial and funeral my nephew deserves everything will be going to Jace Rodriguez Funeral and the proper burial. We also appreciate the prayers love and support that has been sent out to my family and most importantly my sister Ruby Rodriguez experiencing such a tragic loss that no mother should ever have to experience. 
We know heaven is more beautiful with you in it Jace, Shine in Heaven our little bebesito, you’ll forever brighten our days. We miss you so much little papas. Rest In Peace Jace Rodriguez.


  • Sean Coulter
    • $30
    • 5 yrs


Cedella Martinez
Los Angeles, CA

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