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For you Mum. Your family needs you.

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For those of you who know:

Our Mum, Neereda White is a loving, supporting mother of her 4 babies and a beautiful wife to Ron. And the kindest person I have ever known.
She still has so many places to see, birthdays to celebrate, weddings to attend and grandchildren to love.
But most of all we all need her.

She has been battling Cancer for 3 years and yesterday we got the heartbreaking news that it's back and there is nothing we can do. Here in Australia anyway, and if it goes untreated she will continue to have seizures and potentially not a lot of time.

Our only option now is to send her to China for their Advanced Cancer Treatment there which has great results.

Please don't let the amount of money deter you, that is what we need, not the amount we expect. If you can find it in you to spare anything we will be so very grateful, as that is more than what we would have had before.

For those of you that don't know her story:

In 2014 we all found out that Mum had been diagnosed with cancer. Which shattered our world. You don't expect this is going to happen to you, that you will get that dreaded phone call one afternoon. And for our mother this happened only 2 months after losing her sister.

Then in 2015 after successfully defeating the cancer in her breast and lymph nodes, she went back to living her happy life.

Unfortunately in late 2016 we found out the cancer had metastasized to her brain. We were absolutely devasted but they admitted her to hospital that day where she was in the best hands and they operated on her brain 2 days later as it was affecting her motor skills. The surgery was a success. But 2 months later she had a seizure in the middle of the night and had to have an ambulance rush her to hospital. Where we were told that her tumour was back. So like deja vu they admitted her again, and operated on her brain again. 

We were so happy to hear it was another successful surgery. Although because the tumour was so aggressive and grew so quickly she had to have 15 rounds of radiation on her brain.

A CT scan afterwards confirmed there was no cancer visable anywhere in her body!

Until yesterday, when we heard the worst when we thought it was over. Her tumour is back, in a different part of the brain, and they cannot operate.

They told her there weren't any other options, she could "try" more chemo, but they can't say that will work, it will just destroy her immune system which she needs right now.

So here we are just doing anything we can to keep her here. And kick cancer out of our lives for the 4th time.

Thank you so much everybody in advance!




  • Jen Anderson
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Sara Greelish
Cocoroc, VIC

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