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Help Flowers & Flour NC Grow

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Hi Flowers & Flour NC friends!

 This year has been a dream. I've created for a number of weddings and events and have found cilents from far and wide. But, at the moment I'm stuck. 

Earlier this year I spent a good amount of time in the hospital. I let myself be patient. I gave myself the time. The year has gone by and I have been healthier than I've been in years and for that I'm forever grateful.

Unfortunietly in the restart I created a lot of debt. Doctor bills and general taking care of myself while out of work bills have built up.

Because of my debt I decided quietly to stop taking clients and focus in on a full time job to pay everything off. 

So I'm pulling a Joanna Gains, and letting my Magnolia go for a season. 

This number and ask is just a prayer. There are a ton!! of others who need the finacial help. Prayers are also a wonderful and acceptable payment. 

Thank you for reading through my GoFundMe page!

Much Love,


All Photos by Tonya Hurter Photography 



  • Amy V
    • $25
    • 8 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $30 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs


Lindsay McMillan

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt