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Help Reinstate Freshmen Baseball

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A message from the friends of Fox Lane Baseball:

Please support this fundraising initiative sponsored by Mount Kisco Little League, Bedford Hills Katonah Little League, and Bedford Pound Ridge Baseball Association to reinstate the Fox Lane High School Freshman Baseball Program.  We have received approval to once again field a Freshman Baseball Team with full support.

It is important, however, that we ACT NOW in raising $7,500 to cover the costs of the program which was not included in the 2017-2018 BCSD Budget.  We also need to ACT NOW because the spring game schedule needs to be completed before January 2, 2018.

As parents, we wish to support the Bedford Central School District’s athletic programming and our students.  If you are a parent of a student current enrolled at Fox Lane High School, a parent of a future Fox Lane student, or someone who believes that sports helps nurture the human spirit, and if you believe sports instill leadership and character in our children, please support our effort in reinstating the Freshman Baseball Program.

Please note that if we achieve our goal and raise more than the necessary funds, all additional funds will be donated back to the BCSD.

Please click the link to make a donation.

Thank you on behalf of all the student athletes that will benefit from the reinstatement of this team!


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lauren Torre
Mount Kisco, NY
Robert Byrns

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt