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Financial support for Emily Kerlee

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We are all aware of the lack of affordable healthcare, especially offered to single mothers, and it is now directly effecting someone close to us.  Emily Kerlee, a mother of two wonderful daughters, has fallen ill with legionnaries disease, an atypical bacteria pneumonia, which has landed her in the hospital. Aside from the hospital fees and her Med Flight transfer from Frisbee Hospital to Mass General Hospital; her missing of work will cause a huge financial strain.
Her friends and family are hoping to relieve the stress and financial burden, so that she may focus solely on getting well. With that being said, we are in need of your help.
We are calling out to all her family, friends and  acquaintances near and far for some assistance. 
Emily, who is always the first one to jump to anyone’s assistance  is now in need of our help.
Any and all is appreciated.
thank you


  • Grant Nichols
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Crystal Reilly
North Hampton, NH
Emily Pahucki

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