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Please Help me save My Husband

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Hello, My name is Lee Hila. I opened this Fundraise to save my husband's- R' Moshe Refael's Life and i'm asking, begging for you help to make it happen, keep him alive and go back to good health so he can keep doing the amazing "Avodat Ha Shem" he did. I added the whole story below, asking myelf how i can shorten 7 years into a few lines to describe it all- My husband is 29 YO, he has an amazing life resume so far, he accompanied  well known and loved Rabbanim to do lectures and spoke about Bitachon & Emunah, Huge "Kiruv", Chazarah B'Tshuva of people from all around the world and all around Israel - in Yeshivot, Seminars, Jail and Army.. And all of it while he's on wheelchair with Oxygen.  He adopted 6 kids (My siblings) and gave them a home to live in, fought for then in court until he won, all by himself, without an attorney cause we didn't have money for it. He touched so many hearts and changed so many lives for better and gave his best to each one who came to ask for his help and advice. and now he needs your help. We arrived to USA about 3+ years ago without anything, and Baruch ha shem we succeed to get through them. But now, we're im Boston for over a year, mostly in the Hospital, to try to treat over 10 diff. diseases that he suffers from.  He was Diagnosed with "Behcet's Syndrome". "Behcet's" is an autoimmune disorder that attackes organs in the body and creating secondary illnesses with time. there's no way to cure it, but only slow down the progress of it, with very harsh Chemo Treatments, Biological treatments and more kinds of other treatments for illnesses he suffers from, like Severe Vasculitis, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Collitis, Small Fibroneuropathy, Neurobehcet's, heart issues and more... He's the worst case of Behcet's ever recorded in Medicine, and that's we heard from well known Doctors from NY, Israel, Boston and even Mayo Clinic. on top of it, he suffers from pain 247.  recently he went out from 85 days straight in the hospital, he did 2 operations. one is "Port" in the chest, because of severe Vasculitis, his veins are collapsing, and another one- for over 4 hours, the took out all of his teeth at once, after that operation he was in ICU for 2 weeks and almost died in front of my eyes. so he's not able to eat at all and we don't have money to get him new teeth or even Dentures which cost more than $30K, including operations, treatments, visits, etc...  We need your help now more than ever as all of our money went out on Medical expenses that weren't covered by insurance and for expanses around it. So, as off now, we moved thanks to your help to different hospital and he is getting intensive care and treatments by many doctors for over 6 weeks, his medical condition doesn't get better so far, they keep trying different treatments and approaches, to keep him stable. His only nutrition is TPN and all the rest of the medications he's getting now IV, he will get IV by a home nurse because he has no absorption through the stomach due to Vasculitis, and it costs $4500-$6000 a month (doesn't covered by the insurance) and he's gonna need it when he will be discharged.  as non of us are working right now, we need help with our Life expanses as well- bills, transportation, etc.. We  already lived in a Motel for 2 Month and he got there even sicker, i can't let it happen again.  I, myself had Kidney Transplant not so long ago, after more than 8  years of Dialysis and need Medical follow-ups and Medications as well. And of course, We have more Expenses and Responsibilities in Israel. It's only a short version of our life and Medical story... Please donate to help him get better, by any amount, or even just by sending it forward. Each donation is life saving.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The History: He was diagnosed with Behcet's in 2006 but the disease was under control with a few meds. In 2011 the "Behcet's" start to slowly worsen. in 2012 we adopted 6 kids, my siblings, Reb Moshe put a great fight for them in courst, by himself! to make sure they have a warm home to come to and a great school to go to, with a great help from Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman  the kids had great new start with education and spirituality, with big support and love. The kids are all grown now, Learning, and getting ready for their own lives, but still with our endless support, in every way.  by the end of 2013, after trying all kinds of medical treatments including 3 kinds of Chemotherapy to lower his immune system which was almost deadly for him ,  the doctors said that thats the end of the way and there's nothing else to do. A little while after, in the beginning of 2014, we went to a specialist for a consultation, we fought for his cure, the doctor admitted him and  found out that he had hole in the stomach due to a complication of a procedure he did 2 weeks earlier. he was under starvation for over 90 days, only with TPN, that was bearly enough to keep him alive. he had NG tube that took out all of the liquids out of the stomach, and eventually, due to alot of bleeding from the tube, he went through a major experimental surgery that lastet many hours. The Doctors gave him a  chnce of 5% to stay alive after because of his vassels condotion and because his organs was very fragile. (That's why we had to find a Doctor somewhere else in the world, to do the second operation, which i will talk about later) they cut out 40% of the stomach. 3 day post-op, he had Ambolization of the Spleen Artery AV Fistula due to masive bleeding from a drain that was in the stomach post surgically, he lost alot of blood and needed to be monitored very closely, he did it while awake because it was an emergency and his body couldn't tolarate another anesthesia and surgery. he told ,me "I SAW GOD, SAVING MY LIFE IN FRONT OF MY EYES". it took him a few month to recover, tho he didnt recover completly.  He also suffered (still is, as i wrote) from the Medical conditions i mentioned above. Meanwhile, i was under Dialisys Treatments myself for more than 8 years and a few month after his recovery from the surgery i  had kidney transplant, which also had life threatening compications, which now treated with strong medications.  After a while, on a wheelchair, suffers from pain but determined to tell about his miracle with high spirit and  his endless will to help and spread the Torah and Emunah around, he went back with the Rabbi, on wheelchair and oxygen to talk a bit in lectures and helping people, While he's getting very strong medications for his medical conditions and between Doctors appointments. in the middle months of 2015, while he was with the Rabbi in a lecture, he felt pain that reminded him the pain he had with the hole in the stomach.  We went to Emergency room, they found another hole in the stomach. He was on starvation for over 100 days with TPN only, we went from hospital to hospital in Israel looking for a surgeon to operate on him again, but no ne wanted to take the chance, because of his complicated medical conditions and history. Eventually we found ourselves in the ICU, looking for a Doctor overseas. And with great help and dedication of Rabbi Shechter, Reb Kanievsky and Reb Shteinman zt"l (Attached letter below with their Bracha and signature, whoever will donate will be bleesed), Doctors and  other wonderful shlichim, we arrived to USA, on a plane, with ICU team.  We've been here for about 3 years, fighting for his life and managed to get through those years, traveling through states to fing the right cure for his agressive Medical condition, all by ourselves, without family.  We were helped by jewish Organizations and we truly gratful to them, cause we made it until today thanks to them, but unfortunatly they can't help us anymore and from this point on, we're by ourselves. Please, help me to save my husband, Donate as much as you can, if you can't, please spread this live saving campaign. Thank you so much in advance! For more info, Letters or Questions, please feel free to Email- [adresse e-mail supprimée] Letter of R' shecter, R' Kanievsky & Reb Shteinman zt"l.  "Against All Odds", A picture of him in a lecture.  Post Teeth Op.  Short Medical Summary   There are many more Medical Reports...

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  • Tziporah Reichard
    • $10
    • 6 yrs
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Leehi Be
Boston, MA

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