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Help Erin Connor get a car!

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Thanks be to God that Erin and the kids are safe and survived the flood!

In, South carolina, this week the "rains came down & the floods came up".  The governor called the deadly rain a "thousand-year event".

Unfortunately, Erin Connor's 2007 Honda Pilot was totally ruined in the historic South Carolina floods. The car was towed to Signal Piont Auto and inspected by a honda specialist. Erin was devastated when she recieved the news that water had totally ruined the engine. Water also damaged the interior of the car making the car worthless.

 Her insurance does not cover this loss.

Erin is a single mother of 3 beautiful and active children, Sapphire, Rayna and Joshua. Erin drives the kids to and from school 5 days a week.  Sapphire and Rayna are on the "Steelers" cheerleading team and have practice twice a week and a game every saturday. The girls love cheering and being a part of the team.  Joshua is a determined soccer player and has pratice every Tuesday and Thursday & games every Saturday.  He loves running after that soccer ball and scoring goals.  Go Eagles! Erin and the children attent church every Sunday at theTetrev's house church and Seacoast's Sea Island campus.

Erin is a full-time student at Trident Tech  becoming an esthetician and attends classes and studies Monday - Friday. Erin also works part-time when she can.

This car was everything to her.

Erin is " extremely grateful" to family and close friends who have helped her and the children get from place to place for the past few days.

We are raising money to get Erin and her children a new dependable car.

Those of you who wish to make a donation you can do so by:

clicking "DONATE"


mail your check to:

3553 hunters Oak Lane
John's Island, SC

Thank you in advance for your loving donation!

With Love,

Johnny Harrelson
Erin Connor
& the Connor family


  • Angi and Mike mcDowell
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Erin Connor
Charleston, SC

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