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New Lungs!

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Hi! My name is Kayla. I'm a fourteen year old with a horse, dog, fish and three parents that I love more than life itself. My dad, stepdad and mom. My dad and stepdad are always there to teach me about motor or to make dating rules! My mom is there for anything. Need a ride? She's there. Need an opinion on an outift? She's there. It's time for me to be there for her. Heather Bailey is a fourty-eight year old who has pretty eyes, a hole in her heart, long legs and bad lungs. She was dianosed with Pulmonary Hypertension when I was six years old. We've adjusted to this way of life. Fortunately, she is active on the lung transplant list at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, MA. Unfortunately, her health is worsening. To improve her chances of a longer, better life we're working on getting her approved on a second lung transplant list at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. Since we live so far from Ohio the hospital will provide the transportation by sending a plane whenever the time for the transplant comes. That sounds great but...it's $15,000 for the transportation costs for the many trips before and after the surgury that we will need to take. That is not pocket change for our family. We can not begin this process of her being approved for their transplant list until we have (close to) $15,000. Please, help me give back to my mom by donating. Anything helps, thank you so much!


  • Robert Howe
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Kayla Doherty
Bowdoinham, ME

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